April 19, 2018 Workshop + Dinner Meeting
Join Us!
DATE: Thursday, April 19, 2018
LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Miami
400 S. E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33131
Workshop – 5:30 – 6:20 p.m.
“Spring Case Law Update"
Presented by:
Eric Virgil, Esq., The Virgil Law Firm
This workshop will be a review of the latest Florida case law in probate, trust, and guardianship matters. In this area of law, it is vital to be up to date on the most current cases that impact your practice. The presentation will also emphasize practical applications when advising your clients.
Cocktails and Dinner- 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
“Technology and Estate Planning: The Rise of the Machines”
Presented by:
Bruce Stone, Esq., Goldman Felcoski & Stone, P.A.
Technology has made fundamental changes over the last 50 years in how estate planners serve their clients. Those changes are accelerating and are becoming more radical. What is the future likely to hold for us? How can we survive and thrive as estate planners? Will legislation in the 2018 Florida legislature forever change how clients get their estate planning documents?
The workshop session has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit and the dinner presentation has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit for the following disciplines: CLE (Legal), CFP (Certified Financial Planners) and CPE(Accountancy)
This Meeting Generously Sponsored by
Please send your RSVP so that we may guarantee dinner accommodations for you and your guests. Be sure to include your food preference: chicken, mahi mahi or vegetarian.
Please RSVP at http://www.epcmiami.org/events/event/15481
The guest fee for this meeting is $65. You may prepay by credit card or you may pay by credit card or check at the door (make your check payable to the Estate Planning Council). As a guest, if you decide to become a member of our organization within 45 days of this meeting, the $65 will be credited toward the fee for any membership.
Membership dues include the cost of all dinners.
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We look forward to seeing you at the meeting