October 19, 2017 Workshops + Dinner Meeting

Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017
Time: 4:30pm - 8:15pm
Location: Hyatt Regency Miami
Speaker: Corrine Markey (pre-workshop), Philip Herzberg (workshop) & Donald DiCarlo Jr. (dinner presentation)

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DATE: Thursday, October 19, 2017

LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Miami
400 S. E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33131

Pre - Workshop – 4:30 – 5:20 p.m.

“Aging in Place” is Not Just Grab Bars

Achieving true independence through daily money management,

identity theft, fraud prevention and personal affairs management

95% of Americans want to “age in place.”  True independence means security from falls, from those who prey on seniors and from high quality daily living.  They need high and low tech ways to manage their daily lives from vision and hearing assistance to budgeting to ending robocalls and unwanted mail and solicitations.  Come and learn how this can be done for seniors and others.  

Presented by:  Corrine Markey, The Seniors Answer

Workshop - 5:30 - 6:20 p.m.

New ABLE Account Planning Insights

for Special Needs Individuals and their Families”

Presented by:  Philip Herzberg, CFP®, CTFA, AEP® The Lubitz Financial Group

The recently created Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account is a tax-free savings and investment account established to support qualified disability expenses for an individual with a disability, including living expenses. As an estate planning practitioner, you can incorporate ABLE accounts in conjunction with a special needs trust to enhance a family’s ability to provide for a disabled child’s care, without negatively impacting federal safety-net programs, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid. This session will highlight planning insights on how to manage ABLE accounts and utilize funds to provide a better quality of life for those with special needs.

 Cocktails and Dinner - 6:20– 8:15 p.m.

Fiduciary Investing:  Managing and Measuring Portfolio Risk in Trust Accounts

Presented by:  Donald P. DiCarlo, Jr., Wilmington Trust

25 years ago the Uniform Prudent Investor Act was promulgated to allow fiduciaries to be on an even footing with individual investors and professional money managers.  Both trust law and the financial industry have evolved much since then creating new challenges and issues for those charged with the investment of trust assets.   This presentation will review the risks associated with modern fiduciary investing and offer practical suggestions to trustees and those that advise them.   Topics addressed will include the limitations of modern portfolio theory for trustees; developing adequate risk metrics, and risks unique to professional fiduciaries. 

Dinner Generously Sponsored by:

Please send your RSVP so that we may guarantee dinner accommodations for you and your guests. Be sure to include your food preference: chicken, swordfish or vegetarian.

The guest fee for this meeting is $65. You may prepay by credit card or you may pay by credit card or check at the door (make your check payable to the Estate Planning Council). As a guest, if you decide to become a member of our organization within 45 days of this meeting, the $65 will be credited toward the fee for any membership. Membership dues include the cost of all dinners.

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We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!


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